Welcome to UP Improv! Here you can find all information about our various improv activities, ranging from our regular show AS YOU WANT IT performed at DIE MOTTE (Ottensen), workshops and training groups.
The UP Improv branch is organized by a four person committee. We plan the UPlay workshops and facilitate them on a rotational basis. The committee is open. If you’re interested in doing improv, gaining experience in improv/theater pedagogy, and helping develop a non-profit English-language improv community, this is your space. It is by no means obligatory to ever go on stage with your new craft. However, we are putting together temporary training groups focusing on specific show forms and set up low-threshold performance opportunities for those who do want to go public. If you feel this might be for you, just drop us a line.
Our main production in the winter semester 2022/23 was such a success that we are now performing it on a regular basis at the wonderful DIE MOTTE in Hamburg-Ottensen.
In their home cinema, Tony has all the films that have ever been made – in fact, they have every film you could possibly ever imagine. Every night will have a new film be made up right in front of the audience’s eyes, based on their suggestions. The script written at the same time the lines are said, music composed at the same time it is being played, lights programmed at the same time they are being employed. Guiding us through the film is Tony, remote control in hand, skipping forwards or backwards, introducing flashbacks, songs or slow motions, and providing insightful commentary on the actor’s and director’s choices we see before us.

AS YOU WANT IT – THE IMPROVISED MOVIE NIGHT is a fast-paced, fun and entirely unpredictable improv show that provides audiences with plenty of laughter, awe and sometimes heartbreak. Join us each night for a play that has never been seen before and will never be seen again, directed by you, the audience. This show regularly sells out quickly, grab your tickets quickly!

Every first and third Tuesday of the month, we’re meeting from 8-10 pm on campus to teach each other the craft of improv. Come and join with any level of experience: You’ll be fine and you’ll have fun! If you can, please register prior to the event, so we get an idea of how many people show up.
The workshop is organized and realized by the volunteers of University Players e.V. and it is generally free for all – within and without the university. We are offering these workshops for free because we cherish this work. However, you can help us develop our improv branch with your donation, especially if you’re not enrolled at Hamburg University. Your money will go into PR and the subsidization of workshops with professional improvisers exclusively for our community. If you have questions about any of this, send us an email.
While the biweekly UPlay improv workshop is a great place to start, we also support the self-managed organization of training groups that focus on specific skills and show forms for a limited time, ending in a semi-public workshop presentation. Currently, there is a training group working on the ARMANDO and PRETTY FLOWER. We are looking forward to seeing stable groups developing out of this, contributing to Hamburg’s improv scene with some wonderful and inspiring English improv!
Get in touch if you are interested in setting up your own training group.