one flew over the cuckoo’s nest
Randle McMurphy, convicted for statutory rape, has no intention of serving his sentence in jail. Instead, he fakes a mental illness which is supposed to be validated in a mental institution. The anti-authoritarian outsider immediately stirs up a rebellion against the ward routine and chief nurse Ratchet. Medication, group therapy, electro shock treatment – McMurphy makes everything a part of his game. Yet, being a gambler, he is soon in danger of missing his last chance to quit.
Putting on this play for the second time in the 35 years of our existence, we are hoping to strip it from the strait jacket of the 1960s context and remove it from the actual walls of a psychiatric ward. The focus of this production is going to be on the invisible cage of a set of rules that inmates and employees submit themselves to, blindly following a system that has long lost its purpose – a dangerous behavioural pattern we can still find all around us.